As seen in

I Hear It All The Time ...
I meet a ton of passionate social media managers who are pulling their hair out because they can't get high paying clients.
They’re either…
1. Listening to people who tell them they've found someone else offering the same services cheaper
2. Are scared to raise their rates and the fear of failure is keeping them procrastinating for months (cough… years).
I'm Cate and I'm here to help you land high paying clients!
I've been where you are. I know what it's like to send proposals and hear nothing back.
I know how hard it is to KNOW I'm worth more, but still be driving down my rates because I need the clients.
And I know what it's like to have plenty of clients who aren't paying enough, so I'm working all the hours available.
So I never see my family and I'm constantly exhausted.
It's enough to make you wonder if it's all worth it.
But then I learned a simple system for converting leads into higher paying clients.
I learned it from one of Australia's best sales people, and it works.
It works like a charm and there's nothing salesy or slimey about it.
So now I hear things like, "You're more expensive than anyone I've else but no one else has a proposal like this"
Or, "You're more expensive than the others but I can see the value you bring. I really want to work with you"
Or even, "Wow. I can see you know your stuff and bring great value. I hope I can afford you!"
It works so well I shared it with other people, and it works for them so I know it can work for you too.
No more competing on price. No more undervaluing your services.
Just a simple colour-by-numbers system that helps you land higher paying clients, easily.

Welcome to Social Pro Bootcamp
The system for converting leads into high-paying clients.
Stop competing on price and start hearing "You're more expensive than the others, but you bring better value to my business!"
Here's what's included:
How to Create a High-Converting Proposal
The Simple Sales Process to Get Higher Paying Clients
Onboarding Easily and Elegantly
What People Say...

Closed a contract for $4k / Month

Such great training!

What's Inside Social Pro Bootcamp
2. The Simple Sales Process to Get Higher Paying Clients (Value $97)
3. Onboarding Easily and Elegantly ($97)
It also includes the following BONUSES:
1. Proposal Template that Converts 9 out of 10 Leads (Value $47)
2. Welcome Email Template (Value $27)
3. Reporting Template (Value $27)
4. Support Agreement - aka Contract (Value $47)
5. Resources Grouped by Need (Value $17)
6. Business Success Toolkit: How to Build a Successful Social Media Business (Value $17)
Total Value = $473
Today's Price = $197
(Australian Dollars)

Can't I just watch YouTube videos and learn this stuff?
Maybe. But chances are you'll spend a lot of hours learning and even longer implementing unproven methods and frameworks.
How is this different to other courses?
I share the exact strategies I use in my social media agency to land high paying clients. I have over 6 years experience and have had regularly $10k months for over 18 months. These are simple steps anyone can use to bring in higher paying clients simply and easily.
Is the content immediately available?
Yes. And you'll have lifetime access. So whether you choose to binge-watch the videos and take action immediately, or take it one step at a time, we'll be here to support you.
What type of business does this work for?
These strategies work for all types of social media business. We've used them - and get great results - and so have our students. They're simple enough for anyone to use.