What If You Could Start a Social Media Business That Works Around Your Family And Brings In Great Income?

Join the 5-day training that hands over the proven ingredients needed to start your own social media business from home, simply and easily.

By the end of the program you will:

✔️ have your business set up, including 2-3 packages, priced and ready to sell

✔️ ️have the essential tools and knowledge to start helping clients

✔️ know how to attract clients to your business who are eager to buy

As seen in

There are 3 main hurdles that keep people from start an online business.

Which one is keeping you stuck?

  • Problem 1

    You're overwhelmed or spinning your wheels starting. You feel like you need a logo, a website, professional photographs and all the other stuff professionals have. You worry that you won't look like a pro without a great online presence. So instead, you run around trying to work all that stuff out. Whoops.

  • Problem 2

    You aren’t sure what to price or what to include in your services. What platforms should you offer - do you need to know them all? Should you offer email writing too? What should you include? How much should you charge? Do you need to be able to take photos? Helloooo, confusion.

  • Problem 3

    How the heck do you get clients, anyway? You poured your heart and soul into your idea, and maybe helped a friend but can't find real clients. Or maybe you’ve been avoiding getting clients all together, because you’re terrified of not getting them great results. The horror!....

I Hear It All The Time ...

I meet a ton of passionate people who are full of brilliant ideas and really want to help others, but they can’t seem to get their business off the ground. They’ve either…

1.  Launched their business only to be unsure what to charge and how to find clients


2.  Are scared to put themselves out there and the fear of failure is keeping them procrastinating for months (cough… years).

I'm Cate and I'm here to help you create your social media business quickly and easily!

Before you roll your eyes and tell me it's not possible, stick with me a minute.

I've created a successful business that gives me the freedom and flexibility I need to bring in a great income AND have time with my kids (and for myself).

But it wasn't easy. The first business I launched failed. So I started again.

And I started my social media business the hard way. Working out a lot of things myself. Getting confused and overwhelmed because so many experts said different things.

But five years later I've created simple systems that make starting and running a social media business easy.

No more overwhelm. No more confusion.

Just a simple colour-by-numbers system that gets you up and running, fast.

It works for me, and it works for other people too.

Cate, sitting on a wall

What People Say About The Social Biz Bootcamp

I can really do this!

Phyllicia Jarrett-Pollard

Honestly my biggest breakthrough with the course is that I can really do this. After years of self-doubt and overthinking, early on into the course Cate has made everything seem less scary and very doable. One takeaway is having a short intro ready as to who I am. What I can do for you and a couple SMM tips when presenting myself.

I'm loving it!

Bree Evans-Yeanoplos

I am just finishing up your Social Media Biz Bootcamp and absolutely loving it!

As you speak in the sessions it simplifies a lot of things

Tapiwa Zoey

My thought process on registering my business is clearer, the pieces of the puzzle are coming together with a solid foundation to formalise my business. As you speak in the sessions it simplifies a lot of things .. why not to bill per hour ..creating a luxury brand ... the list goes on

Clarity of a top level view

Shelley Phillips

Gaining the clarity of a top level view aka AAA [for content creation]. And then layering that with green red sandwiches. Bang!

A live, 5-Day Bootcamp that Shares the Proven Ingredients to Start Your Own Social Media Business From Home, Simply and Easily

"I'm handing over the simple system to help start your business from home … in just 45 minutes a day."




Just the key ingredients you need to create a successful business in the fastest time possible.  

Can’t join me live each day? No problem. You’ll have FULL ACCESS to the replays inside the training group so you can complete the bootcamp at your own pace.

Here's a Sneak Peek Inside ...


Ditch the overwhelm. The only three things you need in place to start your business

Uncover the secrets to starting lean

Walk away knowing you have the key elements of your business under control


The essential tools and knowledge you need to get results for clients

Cheat Sheet of Resources

Get an understanding of the industry and what you can offer clients


Create 2-3 key packages for your business

See sample packages and a list of items you can choose to include

Imagine having a juicy set of packages that people will be excited to buy


Price the packages you've created

Get the Pricing Formula so you can confidently price your packages any time

Discover the Gut Test for keeping your prices just right for you


Discover the best places to find clients when you're starting out

Get a Done-For-You list of places to find clients online

Discover ways of bringing clients to you

This was recorded during a live training in May 2021, so you also get all the Q&A from participants!

Plus, Get These Bonuses

  • Business Blueprint

    A simple fill-in-the-blanks business blueprint so you know what your business looks like

  • Business Success Toolkit

    My Business Success Toolkit that shows you how to build a successful social media business

  • Business Tools

    My recommended resources, grouped according to need so you can get what you need as your business grows

  • Website

    A template so you can hack your website and get an online presence in 30 minutes

  • Logo Template

    Select and create a logo in mere minutes - at no cost

  • Pricing Formula

    My pricing formula you can use any time you need to price (or reprice) your packages

What People Say...

Sophia Karmel-Marr

In 15 minutes with Cate I learned more than I have in the past 8 weeks of taking social media courses by well known influencers. I highly recommend her to anyone starting their business or already in business.

Will McClure

Thank you so much again, Cate. In just a few weeks I've gone from pulling my hair out to seeing that there really is a structured road ahead. And that literally is because of your advice and courses. 🙂

Mikel Tadeje

I found your guide extremely helpful. Thank you so much! I was able to land a client the first time I used it.

What's Inside Social Biz Bootcamp

Day 1: Starting Lean (Value $67)

Day 2: Essential Tools and Knowledge (Value $67)

Day 3: Packing Your Services ($67)

Day 4: Pricing Your Services ($67)

Day 5: Finding Clients Easily ($67)

It also includes the following BONUSES:

Bonus 1: Website – get online in 30 minutes (Value $97)

Bonus 2: Logo Template (Value $97)

Bonus 3: Pricing Formula (Value $27)

Bonus 4: Business Blueprint (Value $17)

Bonus 5: Business Success Toolkit (Value $27)

Bonus 6: Business Tools and Recommended Resources (Value $27)

Total Value = $627

Today's Price = $97

(Australian Dollars)

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Can't I just watch YouTube videos and learn this stuff?

    Maybe. But chances are you'll spend a lot of hours learning and even longer implementing unproven methods and frameworks.

  • Is this really techy?

    No. There's no technical knowledge required. You may be introduced to new tools but they will be simple!

  • How is this different to other courses?

    I share the exact strategies I would use if I was starting my social media agency all over again.

    I have over 6 years experience in this industry and I know how to get you started quickly and easily.

    I share simple steps anyone can take to get business up and running and ready to help clients.

  • Is the content immediately available?

    Yes! This is a recording of live training that ran in May 2021. When you sign up, you get all the recordings - including hearing all the questions participants asked (bonus!) And you'll have lifetime access to the recordings. You can choose to do go through the training each day for 5 days. You can binge watch everything in one go. Or choose to watch the videos in your own time.

  • What exactly do I get when I sign up?

    You get access to the live training and you'll have the tools and resources as we roll them out.

    I don't want you skipping ahead so we release things as you need them. We will also create a Facebook group just for participants!